Thursday, April 23, 2009


The Peeps are gone. Yes, dear readers, after nearly two weeks of PeepWatch2009, the Peeps have been taken by a rabid Peep lover. In fact, she loved that they were stale. Sweet Mary Mother of God, if there is anything more vile than regular Peeps, it must be stale Peeps. Blech.

This weekend is Sister's wedding shower, as hosted by the family. Please watch for updates of my drinking habits in this space.

It will be seventy (70) degrees today. Miracle of Miracles. Considering we had sleet and snowflakes two days ago, I'd say the weather has a pretty rockin' case of bipolar disorder.

My email inbox of late has been filled with 'increase your manhood' and 'larger pleasure stick' emails. (Yes, larger pleasure stick was an actual title of an email. Yes, you may use this phrase at your discretion.) I don't know why I would need these emails, seeing as my, ahem, pleasure stick is non-existent but maybe I'm supposed to share these with my main dude. Yeah, that would go over well. After that discussion ended, there would be a need for a larger pleasure stick as his pleasure stick would probably tell me goodbye.

Despite FitnessNerd's, aka Midwestern Smartass', assertion that all the firemen in town this week (all 32,000) are big, fat, out of shape dudes, I did manage to see some of the hottest firemen ever yesterday upon leaving lunch. Thank you, gentlemen, for giving me hope. Friday is a field trip to the convention with some coworkers. Yes, sometimes working in a place with a Fire Science program pays off, as I'll get to stroll amongst the firemen on Friday morning at their convention. More in-depth reporting on this later.

I had a massage last night. OMG, I feel so good today.

I need to go grocery shopping for perishables. Out of milk, eggs, bread, fruits and veggies.

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