Sunday, April 12, 2009

I hate Peeps.

Yet my Mother gives them to me each year as part of my Easter basket.

(Yes, I am 35 and I still get an Easter basket. She stopped hiding them when I was in my early 20s. I am still bitter about that)

I frickin' hate Peeps.

The smell.
The look.
The shapes.



Jay said...

AMEN!!! I think we should start an I Hate Peeps support group...Sharkboy and Jenny love them. I thought I was the only one on the planet that hated them.

Aleea said...

OMG no, Lys and I both HATE them!! And, for the record, I have brought my Easter basket to work and NOT ONE PERSON has reached for the Peeps. Chocolate = nearly gone. Rolos = nearly gone. Peeps = will survive the next apocalypse.

Titta said...

I didn't know what are Peeps, but guess what? There's a very thorough article on Peeps in the Wikipedia! Isn't that something...? ;)
I think it's only a matter of time when the Peeps invade this country, too. In 1992 we didn't have Skittles or M&M's here. I remember bringing them home with me as a delicious treasure from The US. And now you can buy them here everywhere which is of course not bad at all!

Scully said...

I hate peeps too