I think I've kept every single
solitary piece of paper ever touched
by me, someone I love, or
well, anyone. Journals, wedding programs, letters,
countless scraps of paper. These pale
in comparison to the pictures. Oh
yes, the pictures -- thousands of them.
Hauled to six addresses in thirteen years.
A small cedar box holds things
precious beyond words -- pictures, obituaries, announcements
each of them tied to someone
who was or is very important.
But this is more than that --
it is the 42 inch tall
box filled with paper, photos, memories.
I've kept them all, in a
box for the last thirteen years.
Added to it, sure, many times.
Subtracted? Never -- not until this moment.
I finally tackled the memory mountain
determined what was to be kept
and what could be given away.
It was freeing, frightening and necessary.
I have memories in my head
I kept those, safe and sound.
Paper isn't memories. Photos aren't memories.
Scraps of paper are not memories.
Those are remnants of time passed.
So I kept all my memories
Kept some photos, paper, letters.
And let the rest say goodbye.
Wow, Melissa, you are good with the timely topics of late. I spent last Saturday wading through my guest room, determining what could be kept and what could go to trash, Goodwill or friends.
I mailed off 10 letters yesterday -- to friends -- with photos that they may not have seen or knew existed. I hope they enjoy them. I did when I found them, but I also knew that I was not going to keep them further -- so I blessed someone else. If you are someone who received a letter with photos -- just know that you do not have to keep them 13 years in a box -- you can look at them, enjoy them and let them go if you like. Do not be strangled by the tyrrany of stuff -- I am trying not to be.