It is when I feel most
envious, that I believe others have
a charmed existence. Bereft of doubt,
lack of worry, plenty of everything,
they have it all, in spades.
But then I realize, their life
is no more free of worry,
want or doubt than mine is.
In fact, we are both charmed
in our own way, each envious
of the others' life, wondering about
the others' seemingly charmed life, indeed.
'Seemingly' is the key, as each
of us leads a charmed life
to someone, somewhere else, as the
grass is always greener over there :)
This post was based on a short snippet of conversation the other day between KC, Mary and I. Two years ago, the three of us spent countless hours drinking wine and hanging out. Today, we can do that, in short snippets of time, because both KC and Mary have beautiful baby girls. There are times I am envious of them and their charmed lives. It struck me, however, that my life must appear charmed to them too, as I was asked what I was doing the rest of the night (after Mary announced she and her husband were looking at a minivan and KC announced she was finally able to get away for a facial after her husband would be home to take care of the baby) -- and the question was posed if I'd be "out partying" that evening. I said I didn't plan to be, but then it reminded me that for them to be "out partying" requires a whole hell of a lot more effort than me, given children, child care, nursing schedules, bedtime schedules, nap schedules ... for me, it is "I want to" and I do.
This is right on the money, Athena. We all have to realize that there are advantages and disadvantages of any lifestyle choice. The key is to appreciate what we have instead of looking longingly at someone else's life.
The grass is always greener. But the truth is that the other person is looking at the grass we are growing on our side of the fence.
Are you a good babysitter? That might level the playing field--so to speak.
Molly: thanks, I do my best to appreciate my own life. Some days, envy rears its ugly head, then I try again.
2bdancing: While I love children, I do not babysit unless in cases of extreme emergency. I am clueless around the short people.
I've been thinking about this lately. In very specific cases it does seem like certain people are just charmed. But, you hit the nail on the head. Everyone has their own troubles and doubts for sure!
This is a daily battle for me. Usually I'm able to focus on what I have rather than what someone else does, but it's hard.
No one's charmed, and everyone is.
Realizing that helps put things in perspective.
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