(CCM: this is the woman from Indy's airport heading to Ft. Myers. Please add this to our list of Fashion Nos. Thank you.)
OMG, am so tired today. I wish I had taken today off. When I walked in, the office secretary asked me how my weekend was and I told her "great, but never let me schedule an out of town weekend again without the following day off work." She laughed, then said she'd help me out next time.
I was able to spend time with Sister and Boy Wonder and see their absolutely fabulous house. It is very "home" already for them (and for visitors like myself as well) and looks great. I am excited to see what changes happen in the coming weeks and months. I'm sure the continued painting and fixing up of the place will make it even more "home" soon.
Mom's side of the family converged upon Sister and Boy Wonder's house on Saturday ... so I was able to do some serious visiting with them all at once, which made my day go fast. Saturday night I headed off to a get together with some former coworkers at the Rib Fest. Loverboy was playing as we were there and I did manage to get some high quality people watching in while we were there. I almost wish I had brought a lawn chair just to sit and look at people. Truly fascinating. A2 managed to catch a picture of the most henious outfit ever worn in public but unfortunately, I accidentally deleted it from my phone. A2, please resend it to me. I need to post it for posterity's sake. We called it a night around 9 and I was back at Sister and Boy Wonder's house, getting ready for Sunday's roadtrip to LP.
Got up at the crack o'dawn on Sunday to drive to see some family friends, J and K Z, then to see Grandma. Grandma is 90, going on 91, so I try to take every opportunity to see her that I can. We had a great visit. I followed that up with a quick stop to see Mom and Stepdad at Stepdad's family reunion, then to Mom2, my mom's best friend and my second mother. I then raced back to Indy to catch up with the BGM for a birthday celebration for Maestro. I missed dinner, but managed to catch a drag show downtown at the Metro and see one of the BGM perform there. Hugs and love to all of you ... great to see you :)
Monday was a race against the clock ... got up, hung out with Sister and Boy Wonder a bit more (good pancakes ... thanks Boy Wonder!), then got ready to meet Maestro and BGM's Mom for some lunch at what I hoped would be Bazbeaux. Sigh. Not to be ... Bazbeaux was closed for Labor Day, so we went to Hoaglin's for lunch. I love Hoaglin's but my heart was set on Bazbeaux. After a good lunch to celebrate Maestro's 34+1 day, we parted ways and I headed north to meet Sister and Boy Wonder so they could take me back to the airport.
Lucky me, I did end up with about 30 minutes to myself, so I went to Half-Price books and bought $39 worth of books. Yep, I am certain the AirTran baggage claim people hate me now.
Arrived back home at 6:15 and basically ate dinner, then came home to veg. Good to see everyone, although I did not see everyone I wanted to see. Longer trip planned for December, so I will have more time and opportunities at that point.
Happy Tuesday !
I was able to spend time with Sister and Boy Wonder and see their absolutely fabulous house. It is very "home" already for them (and for visitors like myself as well) and looks great. I am excited to see what changes happen in the coming weeks and months. I'm sure the continued painting and fixing up of the place will make it even more "home" soon.
Mom's side of the family converged upon Sister and Boy Wonder's house on Saturday ... so I was able to do some serious visiting with them all at once, which made my day go fast. Saturday night I headed off to a get together with some former coworkers at the Rib Fest. Loverboy was playing as we were there and I did manage to get some high quality people watching in while we were there. I almost wish I had brought a lawn chair just to sit and look at people. Truly fascinating. A2 managed to catch a picture of the most henious outfit ever worn in public but unfortunately, I accidentally deleted it from my phone. A2, please resend it to me. I need to post it for posterity's sake. We called it a night around 9 and I was back at Sister and Boy Wonder's house, getting ready for Sunday's roadtrip to LP.
Got up at the crack o'dawn on Sunday to drive to see some family friends, J and K Z, then to see Grandma. Grandma is 90, going on 91, so I try to take every opportunity to see her that I can. We had a great visit. I followed that up with a quick stop to see Mom and Stepdad at Stepdad's family reunion, then to Mom2, my mom's best friend and my second mother. I then raced back to Indy to catch up with the BGM for a birthday celebration for Maestro. I missed dinner, but managed to catch a drag show downtown at the Metro and see one of the BGM perform there. Hugs and love to all of you ... great to see you :)
Monday was a race against the clock ... got up, hung out with Sister and Boy Wonder a bit more (good pancakes ... thanks Boy Wonder!), then got ready to meet Maestro and BGM's Mom for some lunch at what I hoped would be Bazbeaux. Sigh. Not to be ... Bazbeaux was closed for Labor Day, so we went to Hoaglin's for lunch. I love Hoaglin's but my heart was set on Bazbeaux. After a good lunch to celebrate Maestro's 34+1 day, we parted ways and I headed north to meet Sister and Boy Wonder so they could take me back to the airport.
Lucky me, I did end up with about 30 minutes to myself, so I went to Half-Price books and bought $39 worth of books. Yep, I am certain the AirTran baggage claim people hate me now.
Arrived back home at 6:15 and basically ate dinner, then came home to veg. Good to see everyone, although I did not see everyone I wanted to see. Longer trip planned for December, so I will have more time and opportunities at that point.
Happy Tuesday !
So glad I was able to see you twice, the show on Sunday was fun sharing it with great friends and I too LOVE Hoaglins. See you in December!!
Great seeing you too sister!!! See ya in Dec!!! Give my love to the boys!
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