A protest on Dupont Circle ...
Another protest on Dupont Circle, this one was detailed in The Huffington Post. People threw shoes at an inflatable George W. Bush.
Protesters across from the White House on Monday.

Jamie Lee Curtis at Political Americana.

Gitmo protest in front of the White House.

Press box across from the Presidential Viewing Stands.

The Presidential Viewing Stands.

A protester in front of the White House.
Jamie Lee Curtis at Political Americana.
Gitmo protest in front of the White House.
Press box across from the Presidential Viewing Stands.
The Presidential Viewing Stands.
A protester in front of the White House.
On Monday we all traveled separately, each attending to our list of 'must-sees' while here in Washington. I wanted to see the White House again, see where the Blair House was located and generally take in the mood of the crowd. Upon arrival in McPherson station (Metro, Orange/Blue Line), Blanche and I bid the others goodbye, as FitnessNerd, Mom and Maestro were headed to the zoo. Blanche has never been to Washington before, so his list of must-sees was long and intensive. I joined him as we walked around the White House grounds, which which had heavily limited access for security reasons. We did spy the Blair House and I've enclosed a picture of this. It is right across the street from the White House and I can see why visiting dignitaries/future heads of state stay there. We wound through the gardens then back out on Pennsylvania Avenue. This is where we were greeted with what became the theme of the day: protesters. Every cause imaginable was represented yesterday, from closing Gitmo to abortion rights to no abortion to impeaching the sitting president.
We did manage to walk up Pennsylvania a little bit, getting in close enough for a picture of the Presidential Viewing Stands, where President-elect Obama will sit to watch the parade. I have enclosed a picture of this, as well as a picture of the press box that sits directly across from the Presidential Viewing Stands. After this we split up, and he went to the Newseum, while I wandered the parade route and local shops. More on the protesters ... it seemed they were everywhere yesterday. I couldn't walk more than a few feet without seeing a new protest. It was interesting, the mix of vendors with protesters, each passionate about their cause, whether it be selling buttons, t-shirts, flags or scarves or the conditions at Gitmo. The most fascinating protest so far that I've seen was one in Dupont Circle. There was a large, blow-up of George W. Bush and protesters/the crowd was invited to throw shoes at him, a la his last press conference in Iraq.
My one celebrity sighting so far has been Jamie Lee Curtis. I was in a shop called Politically Americana across from the Treasury building and White House when I was told that Jamie Lee Curtis was at the front of the store checking out.
The weather here has been what you'd expect, cold. It has been in the 30s here and dressing in layers isn't just an option, it is optional. I'm wearing a minimum of two layers at all times and sometimes three. I've been cold most days (as most hours of the day have been spent outside) but not miserably cold. When it becomes unbearable I step into a coffee shop or other restaurant and get something to warm me up.
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