I'd like to think of myself as a domestic-type person who enjoys feathering her nest with tchotzkes and such, but honestly, lately I've been so mentally wiped by work I feel pretty good when I clean the bathrooms and change the sheets once a week. I used to be much better at this.
I did, however, finish my long-awaited closet rehab project in the guest bedroom today. I tore it all to hell sometime around Memorial Day and have been awaiting a peaceful/free weekend to do the requisite clean-up and installation of the new closet hardware. Yes, I am handy like that.
It took me about an hour or so to finish the closet and just as I was satisified with my rock-star self I look up and see something on my ceiling.
Fuckity, fuck fuck fuck, it is a *brown* water leak mark on my ceiling and IT HAS FRIENDS. The ceiling got painted all of four months ago so I know two things: a) this is recent (fucking rain) and b) I'll have to paint again (hate, hate, hate painting ceilings). On the ONE good note, I live in a condo so the association is getting a call from me in the morning impressing upon them the need to replace the roof on my building. There are probably 8+ brown water marks on the ceiling. I stopped counting at eight because I got intensely cranky. The only good news is that I don't have a ceiling tit like Fitnessnerd had earlier this year.
Earlier this summer there were several buildings with roofs replaced around me but alas, alack, my building was not one of them. Of course.
So now that I have finally finished my damn closet project I will probably have to tear it back out again if they want to inspect the attic as well (the access is, of course, located in THAT closet). (Hate, rage, general unpleasantness, you pick Athena's current emotion)
I would say I'd throw myself in front of an IndyGo but the damn bus service in this town runs so unreliably I'd have to wait awhile and probably just get rundown by some SmartCar or something that would only bruise me and maybe break a bone or two.
So I'm going to finish up my household chores for the evening (laundry, cleaning, typical Sunday crap) and will be emailing photos to the association tonight to make my point a bit stronger. I'll share them with you all later.
Enough about that crap. I'm cranky as all hell right now. Blech.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
As many of you are aware, I date, and often. I like to say I go out on a lot of first dates because I like to give people a chance. A second date with me is iffy and a third date pretty much means I'm considering you as a potential father to my as-yet-unborn children. Yes, a third date is that serious. By the fourth date, I am either: a) over it and you or b) happy as all get out. It is that simple.
I saw Media today for lunch. Yes, kiddos, third date. Tell no one. This is our secret. *shhhh*
He is a great guy, lots of fun, makes me laugh and appears to find me both funny and attractive, not funnily attractive or attractively funny. This is good.
I don't know exactly how I got so picky about first dates but I'm blaming it on the Hex. I let shit slide far too long while we were dating and when I finally called him out on it, it was a year later. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Then a year after that we got married. I don't think I need to fill you in how that turned out since you now know I'm dating. Although that brings up another salient point.
WTF is up with married people seeking love/sex/whatever outside of their marriage?
Seriously, divorce is not the devil, people. It can be relatively inexpensive and solves the whole 'sneaking around' issue. Better yet, don't marry her/him so you don't have to go through the legal bullshit and can still live separately without having to sort your possessions into cardboard boxes. In my dating life, I have had two instances (one very recently) of married guys posing as single. I find it easy to avoid very pissed off and rageful wives when I don't date their husbands. I know of people that do, and that is their perogative (channeling Bobby Brown now ...). Just not my deal.
Anyhoo, dating has been a magical mystery tour of the weird since my divorce. The ones I've listed below have managed to at least make it to a second date with me, some a little longer and even some several months. Nothing 'clicked' as it were, so nothing involving set dates or rearranged living accommodations whatsoever. I've dated the following:
a window salesman
a civil engineer
a computer engineer
a long-haul trucker
a golf salesman (married -- although I didn't know that)
a logistics guy
an airline maintenance manager
a federal employee
a media guy
and innumerable first dates to which I don't remember/don't care what they did for a living.
As per usual, I don't tell my family who I'm dating until it has progressed to 3rd date, so as to avoid the innumerable questions about 'what is he like, what does he do for a living, has he been married before, does he have kids.' Ultimately my family wants me to be happy and I get that, I just try to avoid the questions as long as I can. Heck, if I can't decide he's second date material, why bring up a name to the family? It just gives them hope.
So there you have it, my dating life.
I saw Media today for lunch. Yes, kiddos, third date. Tell no one. This is our secret. *shhhh*
He is a great guy, lots of fun, makes me laugh and appears to find me both funny and attractive, not funnily attractive or attractively funny. This is good.
I don't know exactly how I got so picky about first dates but I'm blaming it on the Hex. I let shit slide far too long while we were dating and when I finally called him out on it, it was a year later. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Then a year after that we got married. I don't think I need to fill you in how that turned out since you now know I'm dating. Although that brings up another salient point.
WTF is up with married people seeking love/sex/whatever outside of their marriage?
Seriously, divorce is not the devil, people. It can be relatively inexpensive and solves the whole 'sneaking around' issue. Better yet, don't marry her/him so you don't have to go through the legal bullshit and can still live separately without having to sort your possessions into cardboard boxes. In my dating life, I have had two instances (one very recently) of married guys posing as single. I find it easy to avoid very pissed off and rageful wives when I don't date their husbands. I know of people that do, and that is their perogative (channeling Bobby Brown now ...). Just not my deal.
Anyhoo, dating has been a magical mystery tour of the weird since my divorce. The ones I've listed below have managed to at least make it to a second date with me, some a little longer and even some several months. Nothing 'clicked' as it were, so nothing involving set dates or rearranged living accommodations whatsoever. I've dated the following:
a window salesman
a civil engineer
a computer engineer
a long-haul trucker
a golf salesman (married -- although I didn't know that)
a logistics guy
an airline maintenance manager
a federal employee
a media guy
and innumerable first dates to which I don't remember/don't care what they did for a living.
As per usual, I don't tell my family who I'm dating until it has progressed to 3rd date, so as to avoid the innumerable questions about 'what is he like, what does he do for a living, has he been married before, does he have kids.' Ultimately my family wants me to be happy and I get that, I just try to avoid the questions as long as I can. Heck, if I can't decide he's second date material, why bring up a name to the family? It just gives them hope.
So there you have it, my dating life.
151 (why does this make me think of rum?)
You know you are on your way to receiving your AA card when you say '151' and think 'Bacardi.' I'm just sayin'.
This edition of the blog brought to you by the word: 'vacation.'
My boss left for vacation today. Two weeks. I do not need to say that I am appreciative of whatever vacation gods approved two weeks. I. Am. Very. Appreciative.
That means in two weeks I take off for Sweden. Holy WTF Batman. TWO WEEKS????
My Mom, Sister and I take off for Sweden on Friday, July 11 and return to the U.S. very late on July 19. I am mentally already on vacation, dreaming of 'Sven,' the Swedish massuese I intend to meet while I am there.
This edition of the blog brought to you by the word: 'vacation.'
My boss left for vacation today. Two weeks. I do not need to say that I am appreciative of whatever vacation gods approved two weeks. I. Am. Very. Appreciative.
That means in two weeks I take off for Sweden. Holy WTF Batman. TWO WEEKS????
My Mom, Sister and I take off for Sweden on Friday, July 11 and return to the U.S. very late on July 19. I am mentally already on vacation, dreaming of 'Sven,' the Swedish massuese I intend to meet while I am there.
The Mean Girls trip to Vegas starts on Tuesday. Although I am sure it will be very blogworthy, I am not going. Sweden took priority.
Nothing else going on. Just enjoying my Friday.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
150th post.
Here's to my 150th post on this blog. *cheers*
I probably should import the myspace blog but I am lazy and I have not asked Maestro how he did it yet. It is probably easy to do but that makes it all the less important that I do it.
Did work today -- trying to get things squared away before the boss goes on vaca. He's gone for two weeks and when he returns, I am in Sweden. Nice timing, eh? Not planned but I'm not arguing either.
Glad to see that Jay and Jenny had a nice trip to Vegas and that Sharkboy missed them while they were gone. The Mean Girls take off for Vegas next week and I am certain that it will be more fun than should be allowed publicly. I would tell Vegas to lock up their liquor and bacon but that will be apparent soon enough. If you are visiting Vegas anytime during or after the Mean Girls trip plan on shortages of vodka, whiskey, rum and bacon. Don't say I didn't warn you.
A1 is back from her medical leave and looking/feeling good. Glad to have you back, friend.
I know this is silly, but I still wonder why that jackass' wife insists on staying with him after 2+ affairs. She must be criminally insane or have really low self-esteem. Get on some happy drugs, girlfriend. Life is better without cheating liars. Trust.
I encourage my readers to check out some fellow bloggers' blogs as listed on my blogroll. I must say I've developed a healthy addiction to the [Cherry] ride, as well as Drunken Chud on the Gancer's blogroll. Both make me laugh, for obviously different reasons. Chud's diatribe on crappy music chosen on jukeboxes made me howl. Go Chud. Continue your rein of terror via the jukebox. Gancer and [Cherry] can be found on 'I may be from Indiana, but I'm not an idiot'/Fitnessnerd's blogroll.
I'll be seeing Media for lunch tomorrow, for those wondering about him.
This weekend, in addition to my volunteering at 'Hops for Pops,' I'll also be finishing up the guestroom closet, doing some paperwork and in general getting myself ready for Sweden. July 11 is the day we leave and I have a boatload of crap to get done before then. *sigh*
I sit here on my bed, with a sleeping orange kitty by my side, thankful for this method of communicating known as 'blog.' Part therapy, part daily diary, part utter musings of an unwell mind, my blog is an open entre to my brain and how it works (or doesn't, as the case may be). Thanks for being around these last 149 posts. On to 151!
I probably should import the myspace blog but I am lazy and I have not asked Maestro how he did it yet. It is probably easy to do but that makes it all the less important that I do it.
Did work today -- trying to get things squared away before the boss goes on vaca. He's gone for two weeks and when he returns, I am in Sweden. Nice timing, eh? Not planned but I'm not arguing either.
Glad to see that Jay and Jenny had a nice trip to Vegas and that Sharkboy missed them while they were gone. The Mean Girls take off for Vegas next week and I am certain that it will be more fun than should be allowed publicly. I would tell Vegas to lock up their liquor and bacon but that will be apparent soon enough. If you are visiting Vegas anytime during or after the Mean Girls trip plan on shortages of vodka, whiskey, rum and bacon. Don't say I didn't warn you.
A1 is back from her medical leave and looking/feeling good. Glad to have you back, friend.
I know this is silly, but I still wonder why that jackass' wife insists on staying with him after 2+ affairs. She must be criminally insane or have really low self-esteem. Get on some happy drugs, girlfriend. Life is better without cheating liars. Trust.
I encourage my readers to check out some fellow bloggers' blogs as listed on my blogroll. I must say I've developed a healthy addiction to the [Cherry] ride, as well as Drunken Chud on the Gancer's blogroll. Both make me laugh, for obviously different reasons. Chud's diatribe on crappy music chosen on jukeboxes made me howl. Go Chud. Continue your rein of terror via the jukebox. Gancer and [Cherry] can be found on 'I may be from Indiana, but I'm not an idiot'/Fitnessnerd's blogroll.
I'll be seeing Media for lunch tomorrow, for those wondering about him.
This weekend, in addition to my volunteering at 'Hops for Pops,' I'll also be finishing up the guestroom closet, doing some paperwork and in general getting myself ready for Sweden. July 11 is the day we leave and I have a boatload of crap to get done before then. *sigh*
I sit here on my bed, with a sleeping orange kitty by my side, thankful for this method of communicating known as 'blog.' Part therapy, part daily diary, part utter musings of an unwell mind, my blog is an open entre to my brain and how it works (or doesn't, as the case may be). Thanks for being around these last 149 posts. On to 151!
hops for pops,
Shout outs,
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Donkey-laugh woman in Bazbeaux
Not everyone annoys me, although there are times that appears to be true given my state of crabbiness.
My Sister called today and wanted to have lunch. I agreed, of course, because I had to talk real estate to her. What better person to talk real estate than the one that owns none, right? right.
We meet at Bazbeaux downtown and I get there first, well before the lunch rush that crushes the Bazbeaux door each lunch hour. I get us a seat in the second dining area and within seconds of sitting down I know I've made a mistake.
A trio (male, female, female) are sitting in the corner table, finished with their lunch. The one female starts to laugh, this loud, braying, eardrum piercing laugh which only grows louder by the second. The laugh reaches a startling crescendo and starts up AGAIN. First I think it is just me, I am being a big ol' picky bitch (not like this is the first time, gentle readers), and hypersensitive to the noise. Then I look around and my fellow diners are looking at this woman in a combination horror and shock with a little 'shut the fuck up' thrown in for good measure. My Sister arrives, sits down and immediately takes note of donkey-braying laugh woman in the corner and says: 'what is her problem?'
So it isn't just me (for once).
We eat lunch and get right out, as this woman's laugh has dominated this dining room, leaving every other conversation to become louder to attempt to talk over it, in which case she laughs only LOUDER and finally I develop a headache. Yes, dear readers, 30 minutes into donkey-woman's issues, I have a headache. We go outside where the neighboring construction and street traffic is nearly bucolic meadow compared to the woman inside Bazbeaux.
Talked to Sister about real estate and my urge to move downtown. Thoughts still forming, nothing yet resolved.
Tonight I'll be at Boy Wonder's house with Sister working on some projects so they can sell his house and buy another.
My Sister called today and wanted to have lunch. I agreed, of course, because I had to talk real estate to her. What better person to talk real estate than the one that owns none, right? right.
We meet at Bazbeaux downtown and I get there first, well before the lunch rush that crushes the Bazbeaux door each lunch hour. I get us a seat in the second dining area and within seconds of sitting down I know I've made a mistake.
A trio (male, female, female) are sitting in the corner table, finished with their lunch. The one female starts to laugh, this loud, braying, eardrum piercing laugh which only grows louder by the second. The laugh reaches a startling crescendo and starts up AGAIN. First I think it is just me, I am being a big ol' picky bitch (not like this is the first time, gentle readers), and hypersensitive to the noise. Then I look around and my fellow diners are looking at this woman in a combination horror and shock with a little 'shut the fuck up' thrown in for good measure. My Sister arrives, sits down and immediately takes note of donkey-braying laugh woman in the corner and says: 'what is her problem?'
So it isn't just me (for once).
We eat lunch and get right out, as this woman's laugh has dominated this dining room, leaving every other conversation to become louder to attempt to talk over it, in which case she laughs only LOUDER and finally I develop a headache. Yes, dear readers, 30 minutes into donkey-woman's issues, I have a headache. We go outside where the neighboring construction and street traffic is nearly bucolic meadow compared to the woman inside Bazbeaux.
Talked to Sister about real estate and my urge to move downtown. Thoughts still forming, nothing yet resolved.
Tonight I'll be at Boy Wonder's house with Sister working on some projects so they can sell his house and buy another.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
I now pause this blog for a commercial

This Saturday, June 28 from 4-8 p.m., DADS, Inc. is hosting a Hops for Pops fundraising event. Tickets are $30 in advance (www.dadsinc.org) or $40 at the door. Designated driver tickets are $10.
I'll be volunteering there on Saturday, come heckle me. Please note, however, hecklers will be charged $10 with all proceeds to DADS, Inc.
Why is it that beer poured and drunk outside is far more tasty than beer out of a bottle, inside?
Why don't I have a big stone patio with picnic tables and a bandshell in my yard?
Why don't I have a yard?
Why don't I live downtown?
Why is it that I can be in the office for 40 hours straight but the moment I leave, all hell breaks loose?
Why do I sleep so well when it is cold in my room but hate it cold when I am awake?
Why do two cats take up more room in a bed than one human?
What ever happened to cloud watching?
Why don't I have a big stone patio with picnic tables and a bandshell in my yard?
Why don't I have a yard?
Why don't I live downtown?
Why is it that I can be in the office for 40 hours straight but the moment I leave, all hell breaks loose?
Why do I sleep so well when it is cold in my room but hate it cold when I am awake?
Why do two cats take up more room in a bed than one human?
What ever happened to cloud watching?
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Life with cats.
I had coffee with a new guy this week, Media. We talked about this and that and the subject of pets came up. He asked if I had any, I replied yes, two cats and he said that this part of the country (he is East Coast) seemed to really enjoy having pets.
I guess I hadn't thought about it before. Growing up, early on, we had two dogs and a cat. Later in my early teenage to teenage years we had a series of cats (outdoor cats + county road = lots of tears). My junior year of high school, my long-time cat, Smokey, died peacefully. The following year, Mom brought home a floppy-eared dog, promptly named Whizzer for her fantastic ability to pee when scared. I might mention she was a wuss so we had a lot of paper towels used in those days ...
In college I (obviously) had no pets. I am not a fish person, nor a bird person, nor any kind of reptile person. I also don't care for hamsters, rats, guinea pigs or bunnies. My sister had a hamster when we were growing up and its incessant need to break out of its cage and the Godawful smells that came out of that cage pretty much turned me off to all small rodent creatures.
Then I graduated college and got my very own apartment. After about three months of living alone I realized a house (apt) wasn't a home without a cat. My cousin mentioned that his coworker had some cats that she was trying to find good homes for, as her cat had kittens on the 4th of July and it was now September.
I drove up from downtown to Fishers (it seemed then to be an endless drive) and met the coworker. I also met her cats. She had three kittens left (of four), and one of them immediately glommed on to me and purred incessantly when I petted her. While the other kittens were just as cute (as all kittens are), this one was for me.
As I drove her home I realized two things immediately: a) the sweet little kitten that loved me absolutely HATED cars and b) this cat was the most VOCAL cat I'd ever laid eyes (ears) on.
Cleo (thus named for her gorgeous Cleopatra-like eyeliner) and I lived alone for three years before I realized that my constant travel and out of the house time was making her very lonely. She sulked around and wasn't the happy, lively cat I had been used to. I thought, perhaps, she needed a friend. I had put the word out that I was seeking another cat but nothing had happened.
Until one fine October day when I headed off to the Irvington post office to mail some letters and buy some stamps. As I walked in I noticed a young girl with her coat zipped up partway with something (a dog?) squirming beneath. I said to her, 'oh, nice dog' and she said, 'no, it's a cat.' It was then I saw the tiniest little red-haired kitten pop his head up and look at me. I went in to the post office, did my business and returned back through the lobby. I asked the girl if it was her kitten and she said no, they (she and her friends) had found it in the alley behind the post office and that they were going to take it to the shelter. Well, being a cat lover and thinking of the shelter as the kitty killing ground was enough for me. I told her I'd take the cat. She was quite happy and surprised. So I took the little kitty (he could sit in the palm of my hand) and went home.
This kitty was really into the car. He put his paws up on the steering wheel and 'drove' us home. This little kitten turned into quite a challenge for me, as he was allergic to all milk products, including Kitten Chow. Yes, nothing like explosive diarreah from a kitten to make you rethink the whole second cat thing.
After a rather expensive trip to the vet, the problem was solved and my 'free' kitten was back home. His name is Caesar and he lives up to his name well.
He is a great ambassador for goodwill around here, serving as the connsumate host while I attend to other things. He is the outgoing one, always seeking attention or love, while Cleo is sitting quietly in a corner, observing and distaining anyone but me. She is a one-woman cat and makes no bones about it. Caesar, on the other hand, is an attention whore. 'Love Me, Love Me, Love Me' is his cry. When he isn't looking for love, he is harrassing Cleo. Seems like history is repeating itself ...
Cleo is coming up on 12 years old this year and Caesar will be 9. Both miss me terribly when I am gone, so much so that I've taken to asking a friend to stay over when I'm gone for extended periods of time (thanks A1). They need someone to love on (or distain, in the case of Cleo) while I am gone and A1 serves that purpose well.
Cats, it seems, are as much a part of my DNA as my hazel eyes. I can't imagine a happy home without a cat (or two).
I guess I hadn't thought about it before. Growing up, early on, we had two dogs and a cat. Later in my early teenage to teenage years we had a series of cats (outdoor cats + county road = lots of tears). My junior year of high school, my long-time cat, Smokey, died peacefully. The following year, Mom brought home a floppy-eared dog, promptly named Whizzer for her fantastic ability to pee when scared. I might mention she was a wuss so we had a lot of paper towels used in those days ...
In college I (obviously) had no pets. I am not a fish person, nor a bird person, nor any kind of reptile person. I also don't care for hamsters, rats, guinea pigs or bunnies. My sister had a hamster when we were growing up and its incessant need to break out of its cage and the Godawful smells that came out of that cage pretty much turned me off to all small rodent creatures.
Then I graduated college and got my very own apartment. After about three months of living alone I realized a house (apt) wasn't a home without a cat. My cousin mentioned that his coworker had some cats that she was trying to find good homes for, as her cat had kittens on the 4th of July and it was now September.
I drove up from downtown to Fishers (it seemed then to be an endless drive) and met the coworker. I also met her cats. She had three kittens left (of four), and one of them immediately glommed on to me and purred incessantly when I petted her. While the other kittens were just as cute (as all kittens are), this one was for me.
As I drove her home I realized two things immediately: a) the sweet little kitten that loved me absolutely HATED cars and b) this cat was the most VOCAL cat I'd ever laid eyes (ears) on.
Cleo (thus named for her gorgeous Cleopatra-like eyeliner) and I lived alone for three years before I realized that my constant travel and out of the house time was making her very lonely. She sulked around and wasn't the happy, lively cat I had been used to. I thought, perhaps, she needed a friend. I had put the word out that I was seeking another cat but nothing had happened.
Until one fine October day when I headed off to the Irvington post office to mail some letters and buy some stamps. As I walked in I noticed a young girl with her coat zipped up partway with something (a dog?) squirming beneath. I said to her, 'oh, nice dog' and she said, 'no, it's a cat.' It was then I saw the tiniest little red-haired kitten pop his head up and look at me. I went in to the post office, did my business and returned back through the lobby. I asked the girl if it was her kitten and she said no, they (she and her friends) had found it in the alley behind the post office and that they were going to take it to the shelter. Well, being a cat lover and thinking of the shelter as the kitty killing ground was enough for me. I told her I'd take the cat. She was quite happy and surprised. So I took the little kitty (he could sit in the palm of my hand) and went home.
This kitty was really into the car. He put his paws up on the steering wheel and 'drove' us home. This little kitten turned into quite a challenge for me, as he was allergic to all milk products, including Kitten Chow. Yes, nothing like explosive diarreah from a kitten to make you rethink the whole second cat thing.
After a rather expensive trip to the vet, the problem was solved and my 'free' kitten was back home. His name is Caesar and he lives up to his name well.
He is a great ambassador for goodwill around here, serving as the connsumate host while I attend to other things. He is the outgoing one, always seeking attention or love, while Cleo is sitting quietly in a corner, observing and distaining anyone but me. She is a one-woman cat and makes no bones about it. Caesar, on the other hand, is an attention whore. 'Love Me, Love Me, Love Me' is his cry. When he isn't looking for love, he is harrassing Cleo. Seems like history is repeating itself ...
Cleo is coming up on 12 years old this year and Caesar will be 9. Both miss me terribly when I am gone, so much so that I've taken to asking a friend to stay over when I'm gone for extended periods of time (thanks A1). They need someone to love on (or distain, in the case of Cleo) while I am gone and A1 serves that purpose well.
Cats, it seems, are as much a part of my DNA as my hazel eyes. I can't imagine a happy home without a cat (or two).
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Dating via Craigslist
Last night over dinner with the Mean Girls, Romeo asked how I had so many dates. The answer: Craigslist. Apparently with the gay men, CL is much more of a 'bang me now' site than a dating site. Anyhoo, why Craigslist?
Here's some basic reasons:
1. On both match.com and eHarmony, I received some of the most fucked up matches in the entire world. The one good match I received from match.com was D9, and obviously we are not dating, just friends. My worst dates EVER were as a result of eHarmony and match.com, both of which were suggested by well-meaning friends who found their respective loves on each site. Congratulations, ladies, I am delighted for you. Me, I'll pass on both.
2. It is free. Free often equals good in my world. I'm not paying for godawful matches anymore.
3. The odds of men v. women on CL are in my favor. Lots of guys on there, many porn spambots on there for women. Real women are in the minority. Lucky me.
4. I don't date people I work with, nor can I rely on my friends for dates. Most of my male friends are gay, thus limited exposure to straight men. Most of my women friends are married, thus have little interaction with single men. The ones they do have interaction with are often their husbands' friends, of which they are often not very complimentary. You are right ladies, I can find jerks on my own. Getting good at it, in fact.
5. I'm not looking to get married tomorrow, so having a virtual buffet of dates (even if they are all first dates), gives me an opportunity to hone my dating skills. I was off the market for five years and what I've found is that dating is totally different in my 30s than it was in my 20s. I'm rather enjoying the casualness of it all.
6. Yes, Mean Girls, there are plenty of straight guys looking for an immediate hookup on CL. This is not exclusively the purview of M seeking M. Each first date is always at a coffeeshop and if a guy doesn't want to do that, I kick him to the curb. Yes, this girl enjoys her happy fun time but I prefer it on my terms.
7. I've responded to ads and placed my own ad. I've met some pretty interesting people this past year and I can't say that I regret any of them. All have offered some educational benefit. One has made me want to be a superspy before even going out on a first date.
8. The worst thing that can possibly happen with a CL date at Starbucks is that I waste an hour. Big Whoop.
9. Craigslist offers me an opportunity to hone my creative writing skills while seeking a potential date. What fun for a person like me ... :)
10. Dating is weird anyway. Why not add a little punch to the mix and see what happens when you insert the Internet into your dating life? What do you have to lose? An hour? A cup of coffee?
Here's some basic reasons:
1. On both match.com and eHarmony, I received some of the most fucked up matches in the entire world. The one good match I received from match.com was D9, and obviously we are not dating, just friends. My worst dates EVER were as a result of eHarmony and match.com, both of which were suggested by well-meaning friends who found their respective loves on each site. Congratulations, ladies, I am delighted for you. Me, I'll pass on both.
2. It is free. Free often equals good in my world. I'm not paying for godawful matches anymore.
3. The odds of men v. women on CL are in my favor. Lots of guys on there, many porn spambots on there for women. Real women are in the minority. Lucky me.
4. I don't date people I work with, nor can I rely on my friends for dates. Most of my male friends are gay, thus limited exposure to straight men. Most of my women friends are married, thus have little interaction with single men. The ones they do have interaction with are often their husbands' friends, of which they are often not very complimentary. You are right ladies, I can find jerks on my own. Getting good at it, in fact.
5. I'm not looking to get married tomorrow, so having a virtual buffet of dates (even if they are all first dates), gives me an opportunity to hone my dating skills. I was off the market for five years and what I've found is that dating is totally different in my 30s than it was in my 20s. I'm rather enjoying the casualness of it all.
6. Yes, Mean Girls, there are plenty of straight guys looking for an immediate hookup on CL. This is not exclusively the purview of M seeking M. Each first date is always at a coffeeshop and if a guy doesn't want to do that, I kick him to the curb. Yes, this girl enjoys her happy fun time but I prefer it on my terms.
7. I've responded to ads and placed my own ad. I've met some pretty interesting people this past year and I can't say that I regret any of them. All have offered some educational benefit. One has made me want to be a superspy before even going out on a first date.
8. The worst thing that can possibly happen with a CL date at Starbucks is that I waste an hour. Big Whoop.
9. Craigslist offers me an opportunity to hone my creative writing skills while seeking a potential date. What fun for a person like me ... :)
10. Dating is weird anyway. Why not add a little punch to the mix and see what happens when you insert the Internet into your dating life? What do you have to lose? An hour? A cup of coffee?
It has been one looooooong week
Ever had one of those weeks? The kind of week that starts out innocently enough and then you get your ass handed to you?
Yep, that was my week.
I'll just hit the highlights, as reliving the lowlights will make me throw myself in front of an Indygo. In no particular order, except in my jumbled mind:
* Dinner with the Big Gay Mafia, also known as the Mean Girls. Thanks FitnessNerd, Maestro, Romeo and Blanche ... I needed the laughs and you know I needed the alcohol. You all rock. So looking forward to the diving championships :)
* Dinner with C, my former Realtor and now my friend. It has been far too long and we will need to correct that in the future. Thank you for the laughs and nonsense. I think many glasses of wine on my patio is in order again soon.
* Coffee date with a new guy this week: Media. Possibilities, possibilities ....
* Updates from A1 on her boredom. God love ya honey, you really want to come back to work. Get your head examined:) See you next week girlfriend!!!
* Many laughs with CCM and OD. I needed them more than you can ever know.
* Dinner with Maestro and Sister. Thanks for the laughs, again, totally needed.
* Walks with Sister this week ... wonderful time spent and I had fun. Next week?
Yep, that was my week.
I'll just hit the highlights, as reliving the lowlights will make me throw myself in front of an Indygo. In no particular order, except in my jumbled mind:
* Dinner with the Big Gay Mafia, also known as the Mean Girls. Thanks FitnessNerd, Maestro, Romeo and Blanche ... I needed the laughs and you know I needed the alcohol. You all rock. So looking forward to the diving championships :)
* Dinner with C, my former Realtor and now my friend. It has been far too long and we will need to correct that in the future. Thank you for the laughs and nonsense. I think many glasses of wine on my patio is in order again soon.
* Coffee date with a new guy this week: Media. Possibilities, possibilities ....
* Updates from A1 on her boredom. God love ya honey, you really want to come back to work. Get your head examined:) See you next week girlfriend!!!
* Many laughs with CCM and OD. I needed them more than you can ever know.
* Dinner with Maestro and Sister. Thanks for the laughs, again, totally needed.
* Walks with Sister this week ... wonderful time spent and I had fun. Next week?
Monday, June 16, 2008
Weekend = Too Short
Hello there ...
I returned home from lovely Wausau, WI on Friday night 'round 8. I promptly got into my jammies and hopped into bed. The cats were delighted and we all snuggled together.
Saturday morning I went yard/garage sale-ing by myself for a bit (neighborhood sales this weekend) then with D9 a little later. We hit some Goodwills, met up with Sister for a bit and returned back home a touch after noon. I made myself some lunch and promptly passed out for a much needed nap.
Woke up, hopped in the shower and texted back and forth to the Fed for a bit, setting up our evening. We met at the Broad Ripple Brewpub, had some food and beer and headed out to the Roller Derby. We had talked about it last week and he mentions over dinner that his best friend, wife and kid will be there too.
Turns out his best friend is someone I worked with at the City. Yep, I knew the best friend. I really think Indy is about the size of La Porte sometimes.
After the bouts we head back to my house and have a few beers on my patio as we watch five, yes five, police cars and an ambulance pull into my neighborhood. As nothing really happens in my neighborhood, we were curious. Wandered down the street (it is 10:30ish) and find out some jackass has beat up his wife and kid. That would explain the five cop cars and ambulance.
The next morning I sleep in a bit and lounge around my house, trying to figure out what to do with my day. I make some breakfast, read the paper, and take a midday nap. I then head out to grocery shop and run some errands. After all that nonsense, I come back home, make myself lunch/dinner (it is 4:30) and start laundry. Typical Sunday in the life of Athena.
I returned home from lovely Wausau, WI on Friday night 'round 8. I promptly got into my jammies and hopped into bed. The cats were delighted and we all snuggled together.
Saturday morning I went yard/garage sale-ing by myself for a bit (neighborhood sales this weekend) then with D9 a little later. We hit some Goodwills, met up with Sister for a bit and returned back home a touch after noon. I made myself some lunch and promptly passed out for a much needed nap.
Woke up, hopped in the shower and texted back and forth to the Fed for a bit, setting up our evening. We met at the Broad Ripple Brewpub, had some food and beer and headed out to the Roller Derby. We had talked about it last week and he mentions over dinner that his best friend, wife and kid will be there too.
Turns out his best friend is someone I worked with at the City. Yep, I knew the best friend. I really think Indy is about the size of La Porte sometimes.
After the bouts we head back to my house and have a few beers on my patio as we watch five, yes five, police cars and an ambulance pull into my neighborhood. As nothing really happens in my neighborhood, we were curious. Wandered down the street (it is 10:30ish) and find out some jackass has beat up his wife and kid. That would explain the five cop cars and ambulance.
The next morning I sleep in a bit and lounge around my house, trying to figure out what to do with my day. I make some breakfast, read the paper, and take a midday nap. I then head out to grocery shop and run some errands. After all that nonsense, I come back home, make myself lunch/dinner (it is 4:30) and start laundry. Typical Sunday in the life of Athena.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Poll Topic Update
Thank you to all of you for your overwhelming support. I wanted to let you know what I did.
I did contact his wife via email, using an anonymous email address I set up through Yahoo. My first and only question was if she was married to X of X? My comment after that was that I had something to tell her.
She replied that yes she was and who was I?
And her follow up email was this: "If your cell phone number is X and you live near X, I think I know what this is about."
I replied that if she did know about it, what she did not know was that I was sorry. I explained to her that I did not know he was married and would *not* have dated him if I had known that. I then told her she was welcome to ask any questions she may have and in the next few emails she did.
What I found out was that: they have been married 12(!) years and he had done this before. She had been suspecting it, had confronted him, received denials and they separated for a while. The even more shocking part was that she had previously forgiven him and that she remained committed to their marriage. WTF?
As a sidebar, if I were married and my husband cheated on me, I would not only be calling a locksmith but setting his things onto the driveway. But that is me. She is apparently a more forgiving human being.
She asked me a few more things and I answered her honestly. She seemed surprised at my last contact with him, as she had been under the impression it was well before that date.
I don't imagine I'll hear from her again, nor him for that matter. What a ridiculous mess.
I did contact his wife via email, using an anonymous email address I set up through Yahoo. My first and only question was if she was married to X of X? My comment after that was that I had something to tell her.
She replied that yes she was and who was I?
And her follow up email was this: "If your cell phone number is X and you live near X, I think I know what this is about."
I replied that if she did know about it, what she did not know was that I was sorry. I explained to her that I did not know he was married and would *not* have dated him if I had known that. I then told her she was welcome to ask any questions she may have and in the next few emails she did.
What I found out was that: they have been married 12(!) years and he had done this before. She had been suspecting it, had confronted him, received denials and they separated for a while. The even more shocking part was that she had previously forgiven him and that she remained committed to their marriage. WTF?
As a sidebar, if I were married and my husband cheated on me, I would not only be calling a locksmith but setting his things onto the driveway. But that is me. She is apparently a more forgiving human being.
She asked me a few more things and I answered her honestly. She seemed surprised at my last contact with him, as she had been under the impression it was well before that date.
I don't imagine I'll hear from her again, nor him for that matter. What a ridiculous mess.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Return to Malarkey's
Post conference on Thursday night, PM and I decide to take in food somewhere different, then go back to Malarkey's to meet up with Babs and Pete.
We go to 'Mint' -- a local diner-type place with good food and it is all dirt cheap. I eat my first fried cheese curds. DELICIOUS. Seriously, I can't live in WI, I'll be 800 lbs. Had a good dinner and then we took a walk down the street to the mall and wandered there. After perusing the stuff, we headed back to Malarkeys.
There we met up with our bartender from the Tuesday night, Tennile, who not only remembered us but was delighted to help us pour some more Spotted Cow down our throats. We relaxed and people watched for about an hour before Babs and Pete showed up.
It was like old home week with them, all of us laughing and joking, having a wonderful night. Honestly, it was like we had known them forever. The offer of the pig roast was reiterated and I said I would try to go to it. I'm of the opinion it will be a wonderful time.
After a few hours of merriment, Babs and Pete have to head home b/c Babs has to work in the morning. We exchange hugs and business cards, sending them on their way. PM and I finish our final Spotted Cows and head back to the hotel, relaxed and happy, feeling like we've been blessed beyond words with our new friends. Good people, Babs and Pete, and I hope to get back to Wausau in July to see them.
This morning was a National Science Foundation workshop for me and then PM and I flew back to Indy. Good flights, a touch delayed but I got a nap in, as always, very important.
Just as I was leaving to head to the airport, I got a call that Pete had dropped off a book for me at the hotel that we had discussed the night before. Micki (a conference organizer) agreed to go back for it and I was happy for it. Looking forward to reading it :) It is a murder mystery set in Venice and Pete gave it high praise.
What a week. Glad to be back in Indy, already missing the clean air and water of Wisconsin and good friends Babs and Pete.
We go to 'Mint' -- a local diner-type place with good food and it is all dirt cheap. I eat my first fried cheese curds. DELICIOUS. Seriously, I can't live in WI, I'll be 800 lbs. Had a good dinner and then we took a walk down the street to the mall and wandered there. After perusing the stuff, we headed back to Malarkeys.
There we met up with our bartender from the Tuesday night, Tennile, who not only remembered us but was delighted to help us pour some more Spotted Cow down our throats. We relaxed and people watched for about an hour before Babs and Pete showed up.
It was like old home week with them, all of us laughing and joking, having a wonderful night. Honestly, it was like we had known them forever. The offer of the pig roast was reiterated and I said I would try to go to it. I'm of the opinion it will be a wonderful time.
After a few hours of merriment, Babs and Pete have to head home b/c Babs has to work in the morning. We exchange hugs and business cards, sending them on their way. PM and I finish our final Spotted Cows and head back to the hotel, relaxed and happy, feeling like we've been blessed beyond words with our new friends. Good people, Babs and Pete, and I hope to get back to Wausau in July to see them.
This morning was a National Science Foundation workshop for me and then PM and I flew back to Indy. Good flights, a touch delayed but I got a nap in, as always, very important.
Just as I was leaving to head to the airport, I got a call that Pete had dropped off a book for me at the hotel that we had discussed the night before. Micki (a conference organizer) agreed to go back for it and I was happy for it. Looking forward to reading it :) It is a murder mystery set in Venice and Pete gave it high praise.
What a week. Glad to be back in Indy, already missing the clean air and water of Wisconsin and good friends Babs and Pete.
Wednesday night update/Thursday day update
Granted, yesterday was a blur of conference activities and I didn't have a moment to recount the truly delighful Wednesday evening shared with Pete and Babs.
As you are aware, PM and I are in Wausau, WI attending a work conference. The cleanest air I've had opportunity to breathe is here in this location coupled with some really delicious tap water (no shit and Bite It City of Indianapolis). Our conference is somewhat of a low key event with grant writers and fundraisers from community colleges throughout the Midwest. The conference schedule goes like this:
Breakfast 8-9:30
Session 1 9:30-11
Break 11-11:15
Session 2 11:15-12:45
Lunch 12:45-2
Session 3 2-3:30
Yep, that's it kids.
So you might imagine that leaves us with quite a bit of time for networking, pool attendance and in PM's case, a massage. Yes, I am jealous.
The conference is well put together with lots of informative sessions. The crowd is interactive, which keeps us awake and lively throughout.
Plus we are in Wisconsin, so the food is spectacular. The shuttle driver from Tuesday was right, eating is the state pasttime in Wisconsin. If I lived here I'd need to go up about 12 sizes. Thank you Jeebus I am going home.
So Wednesday night at 5:45, Pete arrives in his Mercedes SLK (Yes, Yes, I have automobile envy. I've never had it before but I do now. What an AMAZING car!!!!) to pick us up. The stereo is blasting Eric Clapton.
The car rides like the $98,000 (new) dream it is. We get to Mino's in a matter of minutes but along the way we pass Wausau's lesbian bar. Yes, even in a town of 38K there is a lesbian bar. Pete mentions that they aren't the 'L Word' lesbians though. Claims that the only difference between a black bear and a Wausau lesbian is the lesbian wears flannel. After seeing a few of them for myself, he is not wrong. No place for you to find a lover, Xena. Trust.
We get to Minos, settle in at the bar and order drinks. We have a couple at the bar (2 Bombay Sapphire and tonics for me), then get seated for dinner. Dinner, ah, dinner.
Mino's is owned by Mino, an Italian immigrant from the heel of the boot of Italy. He is a quintessential Italian guy, big laugh, big smile and an iron will. His place runs like a well-oiled machine. Babs, Pete's wife, works there part time and was our server for the evening.
The food. We had calamari for our appetizer and I ordered Tortellini Chicken alla Marco ... apparently the 'favorite dish' of Mino's son Marco. It was divine. It was to die for. It was all I could do to stop eating (see 12 larger size pants above). We ordered two bottles of wine with dinner to begin with (a red, a white), then added another bottle of the white towards the end of dinner. You might imagine I was lit like a Christmas Tree by this time. I was.
After dinner we retire *back* to the bar. Pete orders a couple of Jameson and ginger ales. I ask him if the other is for his wife, he replies that no, it is for me. Oh sweet Mary. I drink it, no great fan of whiskey, but it is very tasty. I'm not sure I had any tastebuds to tell the truth.
He orders another one for both of us. By this time Babs has joined us, done for the evening. We sit about a half-hour and then he drives us back home.
PM and I are completely trashed, although I am much more so.
The next morning it goes like this when I call PM.
PM: Malarkey's pub.
Athena: Do you have any aspirin?
PM: (perky as hell) No I don't!
Athena: I have to visit the front desk before we go to the conference.
PM: Okay!
After breakfast I meander down to the front desk. My headache is now a Mach 7 headache with bells and whistles, not to mention blinking lights. Fucking whiskey (and wine and gin). The girl at the front desk takes pity on my poor soul and gives me aspirin.
Day is saved.
Sessions were good, all interesting. I learned all about earmarks in the federal budget and I must say what I learned got me all fired up.
As you are aware, PM and I are in Wausau, WI attending a work conference. The cleanest air I've had opportunity to breathe is here in this location coupled with some really delicious tap water (no shit and Bite It City of Indianapolis). Our conference is somewhat of a low key event with grant writers and fundraisers from community colleges throughout the Midwest. The conference schedule goes like this:
Breakfast 8-9:30
Session 1 9:30-11
Break 11-11:15
Session 2 11:15-12:45
Lunch 12:45-2
Session 3 2-3:30
Yep, that's it kids.
So you might imagine that leaves us with quite a bit of time for networking, pool attendance and in PM's case, a massage. Yes, I am jealous.
The conference is well put together with lots of informative sessions. The crowd is interactive, which keeps us awake and lively throughout.
Plus we are in Wisconsin, so the food is spectacular. The shuttle driver from Tuesday was right, eating is the state pasttime in Wisconsin. If I lived here I'd need to go up about 12 sizes. Thank you Jeebus I am going home.
So Wednesday night at 5:45, Pete arrives in his Mercedes SLK (Yes, Yes, I have automobile envy. I've never had it before but I do now. What an AMAZING car!!!!) to pick us up. The stereo is blasting Eric Clapton.
The car rides like the $98,000 (new) dream it is. We get to Mino's in a matter of minutes but along the way we pass Wausau's lesbian bar. Yes, even in a town of 38K there is a lesbian bar. Pete mentions that they aren't the 'L Word' lesbians though. Claims that the only difference between a black bear and a Wausau lesbian is the lesbian wears flannel. After seeing a few of them for myself, he is not wrong. No place for you to find a lover, Xena. Trust.
We get to Minos, settle in at the bar and order drinks. We have a couple at the bar (2 Bombay Sapphire and tonics for me), then get seated for dinner. Dinner, ah, dinner.
Mino's is owned by Mino, an Italian immigrant from the heel of the boot of Italy. He is a quintessential Italian guy, big laugh, big smile and an iron will. His place runs like a well-oiled machine. Babs, Pete's wife, works there part time and was our server for the evening.
The food. We had calamari for our appetizer and I ordered Tortellini Chicken alla Marco ... apparently the 'favorite dish' of Mino's son Marco. It was divine. It was to die for. It was all I could do to stop eating (see 12 larger size pants above). We ordered two bottles of wine with dinner to begin with (a red, a white), then added another bottle of the white towards the end of dinner. You might imagine I was lit like a Christmas Tree by this time. I was.
After dinner we retire *back* to the bar. Pete orders a couple of Jameson and ginger ales. I ask him if the other is for his wife, he replies that no, it is for me. Oh sweet Mary. I drink it, no great fan of whiskey, but it is very tasty. I'm not sure I had any tastebuds to tell the truth.
He orders another one for both of us. By this time Babs has joined us, done for the evening. We sit about a half-hour and then he drives us back home.
PM and I are completely trashed, although I am much more so.
The next morning it goes like this when I call PM.
PM: Malarkey's pub.
Athena: Do you have any aspirin?
PM: (perky as hell) No I don't!
Athena: I have to visit the front desk before we go to the conference.
PM: Okay!
After breakfast I meander down to the front desk. My headache is now a Mach 7 headache with bells and whistles, not to mention blinking lights. Fucking whiskey (and wine and gin). The girl at the front desk takes pity on my poor soul and gives me aspirin.
Day is saved.
Sessions were good, all interesting. I learned all about earmarks in the federal budget and I must say what I learned got me all fired up.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Liver Transplant, STAT!!
2 Bombay Sapphire and tonics, wedge of lime
3 bottles of wine (shared with two others)
2 Jameson and ginger ales, wedge of lime
3 bottles of wine (shared with two others)
2 Jameson and ginger ales, wedge of lime
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Sliding into Wausau Edition
Yes, kiddos, I am in lovely Wausau, WI for a conference. Wausau is located nearly dead-center in Wisconsin and is a lovely place for all of 38,000 people.
Yesterday's flights were mostly uneventful, except for the apparent pilot-in-training who landed the plane both times. Flying from Indy to Milwaukee was a quickie, only 60 minutes. When we landed in Milwaukee we bounced so hard my teeth rattled. I was not delighted. Got out of the plane outside (! seriously, in WI!) and walked in, only to walk right back out to the same plane twenty minutes later to head to Wausau. The flight to Wausau (33 minutes) was ridiculously quick and offered a lovely view of the Wisconsin landscape. Upon landing (and I use this term lightly) in Wausau, the runway was a bit wet from an earlier rain and we landed, then slid sideways for a moment before righting again. By that time I was Over Over Over planes and landings so I was glad to be here. I was sitting up front (2 seat x 2 seat plane) and the guy next to me had his young (9ish) daughter across the aisle. At the landing/sliding both of our eyes were the size of dinner plates and I could tell he wanted to say something but didn't want to scare his daughter. So I said: "well, THAT was INTERESTING" and he replied: "INDEED it WAS." Then we both laughed, the laugh of people who have just been scared for their very lives.
Upon arrival, PM and I (as well as a colleague from Sinclair Community College in Dayton, OH), are picked up by the hotel at the airport. A moment about the Central Wisconsin Airport: TEENY TINY. There is a 'bag claim.' Singular. Bag Claim. If you drive there, you can park practically next to the planes. From deplaning to the bag claim was about 100 yards. Maybe.
The lady driving the hotel shuttle is a trip, talking about how it isn't very diverse up here because of the weather (is cold a lot) and 'wood ticks the size of dimes.' That would keep me away, I don't know about you. We talked about the flooding and the houses that floated down the Wisconsin River south of here (yes, we are near the Wisconsin River). She was a character. Told us that the main thing to do in Wisconsin was eat and that her job as a personal trainer benefited from that. :)
After checking in and settling into the hotel, PM knocked on my door and we both set out to explore Wausau.
Wausau downtown is approximately 9-15 blocks square, with some outlying areas. We walked around the downtown which has a preponderance of jewelry stores, spas and bookstores, believe it or not. Apparently skiing 'Rib Mountain' is a big deal here and they have lots of people that come up here in the winter. Anyhoo, we wandered into a couple of bookstores (both VERY nice) and into the local organic grocery. The organic grocery smelled wonderful. Apparently they make food every day for the lunch crowd and when we walked in it was the most spectacular smell -- like homemade vegetable beef stew. Mmmm.
On our walk around we discovered a local watering hole: Malarkey's. As PM is Irish to his core and utterly full of malarkey, we decide to head there for some beer before finding dinner.
Upon entering Malarkey's we are greeted by Tennille, the bartender. She looks kinda like Nicole Kidman, which immediately has PM's attention as he has a huge crush on Nicole Kidman. I ask about any local beer (as I am wont to do in an area to which I am unfamiliar), and she suggests 'Spotted Cow', a beer made just south of here in southern Wisconsin. It is a wheat beer with citrus overtones. I am hooked, as is PM. As we sit there and shoot the shit, there are a couple of other people in the bar, two of which are Pete and Babs. Pete is a big burly dude, probably in his mid-fifties and Babs is his very petite wife. Soon Babs leaves and Pete asks if he can join us. Hilarity ensues.
Pete is the epitome of gregarious. He is part Swede, so we had that in common so he proceeded to tell every Lena and Ole* joke he knew, plus a few cracks at Norwegians thrown in for good measure. He had both PM and I howling. He and Babs decided a few years ago that they 'couldn't take it with 'em' so they decided to start traveling the world. First it started with some trips to Mexico and Aruba, now it has expanded to Italy, Ireland, Poland and a few other countries. Last trip they took was to Italy, then decided that they wanted to see Ireland for a few days. They flew into Dublin, caught a Bruce Springsteen show and then flew back to the States.
As we sit there, we learn that the next door restaurant, a sushi place, will bring us food at Malarkey's. We decide this is a good idea, and much sushi is consumed. Yes, sushi in Central Wisconsin, I know, I know, but it was good. Actually, very good if you must know the truth. Comparable to Sakura (no kidding, Sister). PM and I share our sushi with Pete, who has never eaten sushi before. He is suitably impressed and I even teach him how to hold chopsticks. PM and I joke that he and Babs next trip will be to Japan. :)
Hours pass, so much so that Babs returns from her horseback riding with her friends. Babs and her friends are known as 'Saddle Tramps' at the barn where they congregate and seem to take the joking well. Pete told us when she left that she was going to ride her horse and not him that night and he was disappointed. :)
We hang out a while longer and Pete suggests that we go with him to dinner Wednesday night to the place where Babs works, Minos. He is picking us up tonight at 5:45 for dinner.
Oh yeah, and the conference starts today :)
* Lena and Ole are fictional Norwegian characters and the subject of many jokes. You probably have to be a Swede to appreciate them but I will say that PM got a kick out of them too. For example:
Lena and Ole are out driving one day when a family of skunks crosses the road in front of them. Ole swerves but accidently hits and kills the mother. Lena is upset, tells Ole they must go back for the babies. Lena gathers up the babies and decides to put them under her skirt to keep them warm. Ole asks: "What about the stink?" Lena replies: "Oh, they'll get used to it."
Yesterday's flights were mostly uneventful, except for the apparent pilot-in-training who landed the plane both times. Flying from Indy to Milwaukee was a quickie, only 60 minutes. When we landed in Milwaukee we bounced so hard my teeth rattled. I was not delighted. Got out of the plane outside (! seriously, in WI!) and walked in, only to walk right back out to the same plane twenty minutes later to head to Wausau. The flight to Wausau (33 minutes) was ridiculously quick and offered a lovely view of the Wisconsin landscape. Upon landing (and I use this term lightly) in Wausau, the runway was a bit wet from an earlier rain and we landed, then slid sideways for a moment before righting again. By that time I was Over Over Over planes and landings so I was glad to be here. I was sitting up front (2 seat x 2 seat plane) and the guy next to me had his young (9ish) daughter across the aisle. At the landing/sliding both of our eyes were the size of dinner plates and I could tell he wanted to say something but didn't want to scare his daughter. So I said: "well, THAT was INTERESTING" and he replied: "INDEED it WAS." Then we both laughed, the laugh of people who have just been scared for their very lives.
Upon arrival, PM and I (as well as a colleague from Sinclair Community College in Dayton, OH), are picked up by the hotel at the airport. A moment about the Central Wisconsin Airport: TEENY TINY. There is a 'bag claim.' Singular. Bag Claim. If you drive there, you can park practically next to the planes. From deplaning to the bag claim was about 100 yards. Maybe.
The lady driving the hotel shuttle is a trip, talking about how it isn't very diverse up here because of the weather (is cold a lot) and 'wood ticks the size of dimes.' That would keep me away, I don't know about you. We talked about the flooding and the houses that floated down the Wisconsin River south of here (yes, we are near the Wisconsin River). She was a character. Told us that the main thing to do in Wisconsin was eat and that her job as a personal trainer benefited from that. :)
After checking in and settling into the hotel, PM knocked on my door and we both set out to explore Wausau.
Wausau downtown is approximately 9-15 blocks square, with some outlying areas. We walked around the downtown which has a preponderance of jewelry stores, spas and bookstores, believe it or not. Apparently skiing 'Rib Mountain' is a big deal here and they have lots of people that come up here in the winter. Anyhoo, we wandered into a couple of bookstores (both VERY nice) and into the local organic grocery. The organic grocery smelled wonderful. Apparently they make food every day for the lunch crowd and when we walked in it was the most spectacular smell -- like homemade vegetable beef stew. Mmmm.
On our walk around we discovered a local watering hole: Malarkey's. As PM is Irish to his core and utterly full of malarkey, we decide to head there for some beer before finding dinner.
Upon entering Malarkey's we are greeted by Tennille, the bartender. She looks kinda like Nicole Kidman, which immediately has PM's attention as he has a huge crush on Nicole Kidman. I ask about any local beer (as I am wont to do in an area to which I am unfamiliar), and she suggests 'Spotted Cow', a beer made just south of here in southern Wisconsin. It is a wheat beer with citrus overtones. I am hooked, as is PM. As we sit there and shoot the shit, there are a couple of other people in the bar, two of which are Pete and Babs. Pete is a big burly dude, probably in his mid-fifties and Babs is his very petite wife. Soon Babs leaves and Pete asks if he can join us. Hilarity ensues.
Pete is the epitome of gregarious. He is part Swede, so we had that in common so he proceeded to tell every Lena and Ole* joke he knew, plus a few cracks at Norwegians thrown in for good measure. He had both PM and I howling. He and Babs decided a few years ago that they 'couldn't take it with 'em' so they decided to start traveling the world. First it started with some trips to Mexico and Aruba, now it has expanded to Italy, Ireland, Poland and a few other countries. Last trip they took was to Italy, then decided that they wanted to see Ireland for a few days. They flew into Dublin, caught a Bruce Springsteen show and then flew back to the States.
As we sit there, we learn that the next door restaurant, a sushi place, will bring us food at Malarkey's. We decide this is a good idea, and much sushi is consumed. Yes, sushi in Central Wisconsin, I know, I know, but it was good. Actually, very good if you must know the truth. Comparable to Sakura (no kidding, Sister). PM and I share our sushi with Pete, who has never eaten sushi before. He is suitably impressed and I even teach him how to hold chopsticks. PM and I joke that he and Babs next trip will be to Japan. :)
Hours pass, so much so that Babs returns from her horseback riding with her friends. Babs and her friends are known as 'Saddle Tramps' at the barn where they congregate and seem to take the joking well. Pete told us when she left that she was going to ride her horse and not him that night and he was disappointed. :)
We hang out a while longer and Pete suggests that we go with him to dinner Wednesday night to the place where Babs works, Minos. He is picking us up tonight at 5:45 for dinner.
Oh yeah, and the conference starts today :)
* Lena and Ole are fictional Norwegian characters and the subject of many jokes. You probably have to be a Swede to appreciate them but I will say that PM got a kick out of them too. For example:
Lena and Ole are out driving one day when a family of skunks crosses the road in front of them. Ole swerves but accidently hits and kills the mother. Lena is upset, tells Ole they must go back for the babies. Lena gathers up the babies and decides to put them under her skirt to keep them warm. Ole asks: "What about the stink?" Lena replies: "Oh, they'll get used to it."
Monday, June 9, 2008
Monday update
A1 is doing fine post-surgery. In good spirits. Yeah :)
My carpet looks faboo. Am very delighted.
Head to the Cheese and Beer State tomorrow (aka Wisconsin). Flying on teeney tiny little plane (twice). Am happy about beer and cheese, not so much about teeney tiny little plane.
Caesar (the orange cat) is irritable because his paws are wet on the aforementioned carpet. He keeps meowing every time he steps on it. I may have to carry him to bed tonight. Yes, he is spoiled, yes, I know it. Let's move on.
Cleo (the black cat) is enjoying being the 'only' cat on the bed. She is very happy.
Need to pack for WI tonight, finish laundry and hit the hay. Will post from the land of beer and cheese next ...
Am traveling with PM and Stan. Please pray for my liver. It may need an intervention before this is over.
My carpet looks faboo. Am very delighted.
Head to the Cheese and Beer State tomorrow (aka Wisconsin). Flying on teeney tiny little plane (twice). Am happy about beer and cheese, not so much about teeney tiny little plane.
Caesar (the orange cat) is irritable because his paws are wet on the aforementioned carpet. He keeps meowing every time he steps on it. I may have to carry him to bed tonight. Yes, he is spoiled, yes, I know it. Let's move on.
Cleo (the black cat) is enjoying being the 'only' cat on the bed. She is very happy.
Need to pack for WI tonight, finish laundry and hit the hay. Will post from the land of beer and cheese next ...
Am traveling with PM and Stan. Please pray for my liver. It may need an intervention before this is over.
Things to be thankful for.
1. I am thankful that I do not live in a flood-afflicted area. My cousin in Terre Haute has spent the last two days removing water from her home. I keep her in my prayers and hope you do too.
2. I am thankful that it is sunshining now, even if it will rain later. We need the sunshine.
3. I am thankful I am going to a conference this week. I need the recharge from the daily grind of work.
4. I am thankful for my date on Saturday. What fun that was!! I'll see him again this weekend.
5. I am thankful I am not married to a lying, cheating scumbag.
6. I am thankful for my friends. What would I do without you?
7. I am thankful for this blog and its' ability to let me vent when I need to without throwing a fit.
8. I am thankful my carpets will be cleaned this afternoon. They need it.
9. I am thankful for my family.
10. I am thankful for today.
2. I am thankful that it is sunshining now, even if it will rain later. We need the sunshine.
3. I am thankful I am going to a conference this week. I need the recharge from the daily grind of work.
4. I am thankful for my date on Saturday. What fun that was!! I'll see him again this weekend.
5. I am thankful I am not married to a lying, cheating scumbag.
6. I am thankful for my friends. What would I do without you?
7. I am thankful for this blog and its' ability to let me vent when I need to without throwing a fit.
8. I am thankful my carpets will be cleaned this afternoon. They need it.
9. I am thankful for my family.
10. I am thankful for today.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
A Most Interesting Weekend ...
Friday afternoon I received a text from the young'un wanting to know if I wanted to have company that night. I said sure, and he came over around 7:30 or so. Mind you, this was as the hounds from hell were whirling up that wicked thunderstorm we had on Friday. We hung out in the house until it appeared the worst was over, then we went out to Steak and Shake. He was hungry, I was not, it was fine. He's a good egg, just not long term material.
On Saturday morning I had an early morning hair appointment with Evolution (beautiful hair, babe, thank you again), then a wax at 12:30. The hair appointment went spectacularly well and I looked positively ravishing as I left the salon (in the torrential rain, thank God for umbrellas). Went home, had some lunch, then off to another place for my wax. As I sat there and waited, I was thinking that it had been a hard week and that I needed some relaxing time. I asked what else was available after my wax and was told that my girl, Carrie, was free the rest of the afternoon after me. So I elected to add a facial and body scrub/massage to the menu of goodies.
OMG, I am in heaven. The waxing was, as expected, unpleasant, but following that up with a facial and scrub/massage --- unbelievable kids. It was spectacular. I was like jello after it was done. I was limp. I think I fell asleep on the table a couple of times. I know I woke with a start more than once.
So by then it was 3:50 and I supposedly had a date at 4. (oopsie) So when I got back home (a short drive), I texted him and emailed him, asking him if we could meet at 4:30 instead. He replied back that it was fine, and asked to meet at 4:45. Bonus!!
The Fed (so named b/c he works for the federal government) and I met at 4:45 at the Moon Dog Tavern, which is located within a couple of miles of my house. I've been in there a few times, it is a friendly and pleasant place and the waitstaff are lovely.
We hit it off big time. Laughing, joking ... oh so much fun. It was a lovely night, albeit a long one.
This morning came all too soon and all too bright.
A1 had some surgery on Friday, so CCM and I had arranged to visit her at 8 (!) a.m. today, as she was to get discharged this morning. It was a nice visit but I felt like crapola as I: had not showered; had a woozy stomach and disliked the light.
I came home after our visit and read the paper, then crashed in bed for awhile. It is a nice day for a nap since it is about 110 and humid out there. Ugh.
Tonight, dinner with Sister and Boy Wonder.
Shout outs to A1 for her courage; A2 (A1's roommate) for being a great friend and nurse; to Jay for his failed raccoon hunt (hope it goes better!). Be well, good people, be well.
On Saturday morning I had an early morning hair appointment with Evolution (beautiful hair, babe, thank you again), then a wax at 12:30. The hair appointment went spectacularly well and I looked positively ravishing as I left the salon (in the torrential rain, thank God for umbrellas). Went home, had some lunch, then off to another place for my wax. As I sat there and waited, I was thinking that it had been a hard week and that I needed some relaxing time. I asked what else was available after my wax and was told that my girl, Carrie, was free the rest of the afternoon after me. So I elected to add a facial and body scrub/massage to the menu of goodies.
OMG, I am in heaven. The waxing was, as expected, unpleasant, but following that up with a facial and scrub/massage --- unbelievable kids. It was spectacular. I was like jello after it was done. I was limp. I think I fell asleep on the table a couple of times. I know I woke with a start more than once.
So by then it was 3:50 and I supposedly had a date at 4. (oopsie) So when I got back home (a short drive), I texted him and emailed him, asking him if we could meet at 4:30 instead. He replied back that it was fine, and asked to meet at 4:45. Bonus!!
The Fed (so named b/c he works for the federal government) and I met at 4:45 at the Moon Dog Tavern, which is located within a couple of miles of my house. I've been in there a few times, it is a friendly and pleasant place and the waitstaff are lovely.
We hit it off big time. Laughing, joking ... oh so much fun. It was a lovely night, albeit a long one.
This morning came all too soon and all too bright.
A1 had some surgery on Friday, so CCM and I had arranged to visit her at 8 (!) a.m. today, as she was to get discharged this morning. It was a nice visit but I felt like crapola as I: had not showered; had a woozy stomach and disliked the light.
I came home after our visit and read the paper, then crashed in bed for awhile. It is a nice day for a nap since it is about 110 and humid out there. Ugh.
Tonight, dinner with Sister and Boy Wonder.
Shout outs to A1 for her courage; A2 (A1's roommate) for being a great friend and nurse; to Jay for his failed raccoon hunt (hope it goes better!). Be well, good people, be well.
Friday, June 6, 2008
My Friends Rock.
A big ol' thank you to all my friends this week for their comments of support* this week during my time of mental crisis. You all are fantastic, I love you, don't know what on earth I'd do without you.
It is times like these** when you feel like a total weeniehead that friends are the one way to steer you back to reality. Thank you.
As for what I will do: I have no idea. In past experiences with assholes, I've typically let karma do my bitchwork. I'm a believer in karma and from what I've seen karma do in the past, I can't even compare -- karma is a much harder bitch than I am. I'll keep you posted. For now I am basking in the glow of friendship, thankful that jackass is out of my life***.
* FN offered to rip his testicles off; Jay from Plays with Sirens suggested going out drinking with the jackass' wife and tearing him to shreds; D9 suggested sushi. All suggestions were welcomed.
** Times when you realize that the guy you were dating had/has a wife. I do not recommend this, BTW.
*** And I'm praying that his manly business gets covered in honey and fire ants, all the while he is tied in such a way he cannot scratch the inevitable itch. After the fireants tear into his manly bits, I pray that a busload of horny former federal penitentary inmates with a vat of vaseline find him and call him 'bitch.' But that's just me -- offering suggestions to karma in an o-so-friendly way.
It is times like these** when you feel like a total weeniehead that friends are the one way to steer you back to reality. Thank you.
As for what I will do: I have no idea. In past experiences with assholes, I've typically let karma do my bitchwork. I'm a believer in karma and from what I've seen karma do in the past, I can't even compare -- karma is a much harder bitch than I am. I'll keep you posted. For now I am basking in the glow of friendship, thankful that jackass is out of my life***.
* FN offered to rip his testicles off; Jay from Plays with Sirens suggested going out drinking with the jackass' wife and tearing him to shreds; D9 suggested sushi. All suggestions were welcomed.
** Times when you realize that the guy you were dating had/has a wife. I do not recommend this, BTW.
*** And I'm praying that his manly business gets covered in honey and fire ants, all the while he is tied in such a way he cannot scratch the inevitable itch. After the fireants tear into his manly bits, I pray that a busload of horny former federal penitentary inmates with a vat of vaseline find him and call him 'bitch.' But that's just me -- offering suggestions to karma in an o-so-friendly way.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Is it any wonder why I left La Porte
From today's LaPorte Herald-Argus:
6/5/2008 10:14:00 AM
Man crashes after swinging at bird in truck
LA PORTE - A man reportedly drove into a utility pole Monday after he discovered a bird flapping around inside his truck.The driver was leaving his residence on the 2900 south block of Holmesville Road around 7:30 a.m. when he saw the bird and began swatting at it. He told La Porte Sheriff's Deputy Slawek Czupryna the distraction caused him to drive into a NIPSCO utility pole. After the collision, the pole reportedly fell down on top of the man's truck.The driver said he left a window in the vehicle down the previous night, apparently allowing entry for the fowl. The man reported no injuries, though the front of his truck was damaged. There was no word on injuries sustained by the bird.
seriously ... this made the news.
6/5/2008 10:14:00 AM
Man crashes after swinging at bird in truck
LA PORTE - A man reportedly drove into a utility pole Monday after he discovered a bird flapping around inside his truck.The driver was leaving his residence on the 2900 south block of Holmesville Road around 7:30 a.m. when he saw the bird and began swatting at it. He told La Porte Sheriff's Deputy Slawek Czupryna the distraction caused him to drive into a NIPSCO utility pole. After the collision, the pole reportedly fell down on top of the man's truck.The driver said he left a window in the vehicle down the previous night, apparently allowing entry for the fowl. The man reported no injuries, though the front of his truck was damaged. There was no word on injuries sustained by the bird.
seriously ... this made the news.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Time to ratchet up the defense shields, commander
Most of my loyal friends and readers know what I am cranky about. Yes, a suspicion was confirmed yesterday and today. There will be no comment on it.
I will post a poll to determine my course of action. Feel free to vote and give me your opinion.
I will post a poll to determine my course of action. Feel free to vote and give me your opinion.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
IP addresses ...
Hey all ...
Would you be so kind as to let me know what IP addresses you use ... trying to match up my blogcounter with friends ...
I received a random link from someone in Germany last month ... am fascinated.
Would you be so kind as to let me know what IP addresses you use ... trying to match up my blogcounter with friends ...
I received a random link from someone in Germany last month ... am fascinated.
Ta Da! I'm Back!!
Hey gang,
Yep, I'm back. I'm sure you thought you got rid of me but here I am. Happy and well, enjoying my existence.
Short answers to the weekend: family was in town, too much gin and tonic consumed, life is good.
Monday I was feeling under the weather so I stayed home and slept. PM woke me up at noonish with his call concerning whether I was alive or not. I had emailed the boss earlier in the day but was apparently too out of it to include my normal cadre of Misfit Toys in the email. Sorry gang.
I did watch the finale of LOST. Holy Frack, Batman ... mind .. is .. blown .. need .. more .. brain .. cells.
I also answered a call from Maestro regarding his move. Mental note to self: do not answer phone when friends are moving to third floor apartment. Cardio be damned, I got a workout and two thirds from that bitch. Maestro, I love you babe, but seriously I am giving you the money to move next time. You buy the beverages we drink while watching others lift your shit. Oh, and keep less books, thanks. *smootch*
Today was interview day for the new grant accountant. New grant accountant, you say? Yes, we managed to scare off the old one in record time. Had a few interviews with new prospects and have two solids. Am soooooo hoping this works out. I so need this to work out. I am not meant to do accounting shit. Hate. Hate. Hate.
Also did some low level work crap I had to do.
I have a few things to do tonight before bed, not the least of which is read nine grant apps before tomorrow at ten. Yes, I should have done them earlier and no, I didn't want to. Am hoping this earns me mega brownie points with the Department of Education. If not, it will have earned me extra work, for which I will not be paid and for which I will not enjoy. Blech.
Had a first date tonight ... meh. No sparks, just meh. He would like to see me again. I remain noncommital as is my wont.
Tomorrow night is an outing with Angela from work :) YEAH. So Much Fun.
Oh and my happiest of happiest, my main man, Barack Obama, appears to have wrapped up the nomination. Here's to Change. Here's to Hope. Here's to Senator Obama. (yeah!! rah!!! rah!!!)
Also, interesting stuff on indystar.com -- property tax information on every parcel of property, often searchable by name, for nearly all the counties within the Indy Star readership area. I found some interesting things ... not the least of which being combined property records for those who once claimed he was single. Very Very Interesting. Sometimes it is quite handy to be so damn good at research. Heh. It explains a great deal ...
And a big ol'welcome to friends of friends who venture to this blog. Glad to have you, enjoy your stay. Introduce me to your single, non-insane, childless male friends. Yes, I realize you have no one that meets that criteria. A girl can dream, right?
Oh, and a final funny ha ha/funny peculiar to PM. Today I nearly had to haul his children in my car b/c his car would not start after work. I cannot tell you how close I came to hyperventilating at the thought of two carseats in my car. It was overwhelming. The reason why your car started at the last minute was all the way down the stairs I prayed to Allah, Buddha, God, Jesus, Mother Earth, the Great Spirit and anyone else I could think of that your car would start. I was completely freaked at having two small children in my car. I * AM * NOT * READY * YET.
Seriously, I was sweating at the thought of children in my car. Ai yi yi.
Goodnight ... off to read grants.
Yep, I'm back. I'm sure you thought you got rid of me but here I am. Happy and well, enjoying my existence.
Short answers to the weekend: family was in town, too much gin and tonic consumed, life is good.
Monday I was feeling under the weather so I stayed home and slept. PM woke me up at noonish with his call concerning whether I was alive or not. I had emailed the boss earlier in the day but was apparently too out of it to include my normal cadre of Misfit Toys in the email. Sorry gang.
I did watch the finale of LOST. Holy Frack, Batman ... mind .. is .. blown .. need .. more .. brain .. cells.
I also answered a call from Maestro regarding his move. Mental note to self: do not answer phone when friends are moving to third floor apartment. Cardio be damned, I got a workout and two thirds from that bitch. Maestro, I love you babe, but seriously I am giving you the money to move next time. You buy the beverages we drink while watching others lift your shit. Oh, and keep less books, thanks. *smootch*
Today was interview day for the new grant accountant. New grant accountant, you say? Yes, we managed to scare off the old one in record time. Had a few interviews with new prospects and have two solids. Am soooooo hoping this works out. I so need this to work out. I am not meant to do accounting shit. Hate. Hate. Hate.
Also did some low level work crap I had to do.
I have a few things to do tonight before bed, not the least of which is read nine grant apps before tomorrow at ten. Yes, I should have done them earlier and no, I didn't want to. Am hoping this earns me mega brownie points with the Department of Education. If not, it will have earned me extra work, for which I will not be paid and for which I will not enjoy. Blech.
Had a first date tonight ... meh. No sparks, just meh. He would like to see me again. I remain noncommital as is my wont.
Tomorrow night is an outing with Angela from work :) YEAH. So Much Fun.
Oh and my happiest of happiest, my main man, Barack Obama, appears to have wrapped up the nomination. Here's to Change. Here's to Hope. Here's to Senator Obama. (yeah!! rah!!! rah!!!)
Also, interesting stuff on indystar.com -- property tax information on every parcel of property, often searchable by name, for nearly all the counties within the Indy Star readership area. I found some interesting things ... not the least of which being combined property records for those who once claimed he was single. Very Very Interesting. Sometimes it is quite handy to be so damn good at research. Heh. It explains a great deal ...
And a big ol'welcome to friends of friends who venture to this blog. Glad to have you, enjoy your stay. Introduce me to your single, non-insane, childless male friends. Yes, I realize you have no one that meets that criteria. A girl can dream, right?
Oh, and a final funny ha ha/funny peculiar to PM. Today I nearly had to haul his children in my car b/c his car would not start after work. I cannot tell you how close I came to hyperventilating at the thought of two carseats in my car. It was overwhelming. The reason why your car started at the last minute was all the way down the stairs I prayed to Allah, Buddha, God, Jesus, Mother Earth, the Great Spirit and anyone else I could think of that your car would start. I was completely freaked at having two small children in my car. I * AM * NOT * READY * YET.
Seriously, I was sweating at the thought of children in my car. Ai yi yi.
Goodnight ... off to read grants.
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